Brand Slogans have become such an important part of everyday life. Marketing of anything begins with the search for the appropriate tagline. Brand identification among other things depends hugely on the accompanying catch phrases. ‘Thanda matlab CocaCola’ being one of the most brilliant one to come up in the recent years.
While pondering on this led me to indulge myself in a little bit of fantasizing on how nations could be marketed. While quite a few do already have their commercials inviting tourists, they are not the sort I had in mind. The phrases I had in mind were more general in nature portraying the image a country enjoys in the current world.
And jobless as I am, I came up with a small list.
Great Britain- Great things come in small packages.
Bangladesh- Where Gratitude is just another Word.
Canada- Prosperity Through Irrelevance.
Israel- Where Rules are Truly made to be Broken.
India- Keeping Order, Through Chaos.
Japan- For the smarter things in life.
Sri Lanka- Where Tigers are not endangered.
Russia- I will be Back.
European Union- Miracles do Happen.
United Nations: Redefining Redundancy